The word "Easter" in other languages
Names derived from the goddess Eastre or from Eostremonat which means "Easter-Month":
- English - Easter
- German - Ostern
Names derived from the Hebrew Pesach (Passover):
- Latin - Pascha or Festa Paschalia
- Greek - Paskha
- Bulgarian - Paskha
- Danish - Paaske
- Dutch - Pasen
- Finnish - Pääsiäinen
- French - Pâques
- Indonesian - Paskah
- Irish - Cáisc
- Italian - Pasqua
- Lower Rhine German - Paisken
- Norwegian - Påske
- Portuguese - Páscoa
- Romanian - Pasti
- Russian - Paskha
- Scottish Gaelic - Càisg
- Spanish - Pascua
- Swedish - Påsk
- Welsh - Pasg
Names used in other languages:
- Bulgarian - Velikden (literally: the Grand Day)
- Polish - Wielkanoc (literally: the Grand Night)
- Czech - Velikonoce (plural, no singular exists; made from Grand Nights)
- Slovak - Velká Noc (singular; literally: the Grand Night)
- Serbian - Uskrs or Vaskrs (literally: resurrection)
- Japanese - Fukkatsu-sai (lit. resurrection festival)